Saturday, December 27, 2008

Three Month Min. Break

Hey guys,

Bad news in Fantomville. I got Rock Band 2, and the second I put it in, my 360 breaks! Something inside of it cracked somehow, and I took the Rock Band disc out, and there was a circular scratch on it. I put in some blank discs and the reaction was the same. So now I have to send my 360 in, and see if Microsoft will also replace my Rock Band disc. And for those of you who had received red rings or other maladies, you'll know how hard it is to get Microsoft to be honest with you.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Feel Free to Contact Me

Hey guys,

Since I haven't really been doing that much lately, I haven't really needed to make any new blog posts. But, since I realize some of you like to read these posts, I've decided to make posts about nothing. Then I realized what a stupid idea that was, and rejected it. So, I decided to make posts almost about nothing, but with something slipped in.

In this one, it's my request for people to send me feedback. I want to hear from you guys! Do you want a preview of a script? Do you want to know more about a certain project? Do you have any ideas for new projects? I don't know, because nobody really talks to me.

So send me an e-mail, whether you're asking me to show a preview of a script, showing me a good idea, or even just saying "hi", that'd be great. The only reason I'm asking this is because I don't have a large amount of fans, so I wouldn't have to deal with a large burden of mails.

Oh, and Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Poll Title Now Readable

Hey, guys.

I realized that when I made the main blog title readable, it accidentally made the poll title unreadable. So, clearly, I fixed both of them, so you can now read the blog title and the question of the poll. Which, incidentally is "What Machinima Project are you Looking Foward to More?" I'm not going to lie to you guys, I enjoy writing for Deceit the most. I gotta say though, that John Blaze, Accounting (or as the poll reads "Master Chief, Accouting) is the easiest one to make, just because it is so simplistic. It has no real words in it, just yelling and it has minimal characters.


Friday, December 5, 2008


Hey, guys.

I actually got the counter! I had been trying to get one on the blogger gadget site, but the only ones that they had either didn't work or weren't hit counters. It was mainly population counters. So I went to another site, Easy Hit Counters. I highly suggest them. They had tons of options, and I was able to find the counter section, find the counter I wanted, get the counter, and paste it into my blog in about 20 seconds. It would probably take you a shorter amount of time, I just had no idea where to paste the counter info things.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Blog Title Fixed

Hey guys. Well, for those of you who look at this blog, you'll notice that I've fixed the blog title color. It had been originally white, thes same color as the picture's backround, so you couldn't see the title. It had merely blended in. But now, I changed the title color to...maroon...or crimson...or whatever color it is.

That's all